New Year

How to make the best of 2019 (+ my 5 Goals)

Yes, I know exactly what went through your mind straight away! 2019? How come, it’s almost finished!

Exactly. That’s the problem most people have!2019 Fail

How often do you hear someone saying: “I can’t wait for 2019 to be finished, so I can have a fresh start in 2020!” (Maybe not yet, but they will come) Well, in my opinion, that’s the biggest delusion you can have. There are still so many days to go. Over 60! This means more than 1500 hours. That’s 150 seasons of “Game of Thrones” or 1000 football games. There is no excuse in the world that you can’t start a new project or adventure, you always wanted to do.

Don’t wait! I tell you why:

The circle of my last years was mostly going from one holiday to the next holiday. Instead of changing something after this holiday, I had to make money again. So, I was stuck in my job for years. And like everyone else, I wanted to change something right after the new year. It’s the time of the year when the busy season in Hospitality is over, and you can focus on a new start.


Welcome to the “New Year Syndrome”.

Even back then, I never really understood why people started life-changing decisions in January. The first months of the year are the most depressing and unmotivating months. It’s cold, it’s always dark, money is gone after the festive season, the holiday hype is over. If you want a Beach Body in 5 months, maybe it’s already too late, because if something comes up along the way… Go figure.

Write down your 5 Goals for 2019, right now!

Every year on the 2nd of January there is a mass gathering of runners in the nature reserve behind my house. A month later the hype is over and for the rest of the year, you can see the few similar faces, day by day.

The problem with setting goals isChange

  1. Most people take them for granted.
  2. They don’t do it seriously and they don’t do it consistently. And then they look a year later and say: “Ups, I kind of screw up, let me set a new one for bloody New Year.”
  3. They don’t know how to set them in the first place.

My breakthrough was this Anthony Robbins Book  (Amazon Affiliate Link). I still can’t believe how much life-changing advice is possible, in one single book.

Because there is no daily indicator in anything!

You can go to the gym and then you come home, and you look in the mirror. You turn around. And … You see nothing.

You go the next day again. You come home. Mirror. You see nothing. And then you will be in pain. So, you quit, because you don’t see any short term results.

And this applies to the 28th of November or the 6th of January. People forget that you need to have a completely new lifestyle to get in shape. You need to give up bread, sugar and so on. That’s why people struggle.

The most important part when I started was how to get disciplined

To pursue my dreams, I had to give up everything which was too time consuming and didn’t get me any benefit. Most of them had been bad habits I developed over time. (But this, we will discuss in a different article.)

Instead watch this Video of Brendon Burchard, great guy by the way:


My Goals for November/December 2019:

  1. I will do a 20-day running Streak. I will run at least 3 km every day for 20 consecutive days. I failed twice already in the last month, but that’s part of the progress. You can follow me here on Strava.
  2. I will build up my Facebook Page to 500 Likes.
  3. I will start my YouTube Channel at the end of November.  Subscribe!
  4. I will write at least 20 more Blogpost, which will bring value to my readers.
  5. I will record several TikTok Videos, which will have a different approach than my regular content. You can follow me here: @dandraper8



So, every person has a different speed to accomplish something. Some CEOs became Billionaire with 25, some with 50. It’s never too late to change something. Some people are behind, some ahead. Put your targets closer and you will hit them! You get the habit of hitting them again and again and this will give you confidence in setting the Goals higher. But most important – Take Action today and don’t wait for a number to change!


Always pumped,


Dan Draper


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