YouTube Recap

My YouTube Crimes January/February 2021

It's one and a half month since I launched my YouTube Channel for a third and final time.

“…And how is it going?”

“Well, I can't complain, who would listen?”

In my humble opinion, there are almost only upsides in doing YouTube Videos.

Well often it will not be successful, but you learn to speak in front of the camera which will give you more confidence generally, you learn editing which is a valuable skill, and in a few years you have this memory you can look back on a great time in your life and that's just the worst-case scenario.

People have been asking why I do different topics and Genres, why its Self Help and then Comedy again. The answer is easy: It was the prime idea of the internet, you could express yourself without being judged, behind every corner something amazing could happen, there was Humour mixed with heart and some stupid fart sounds. Nowadays you “need to find your Niche, you need to produce content which your audience like yada yada.

I don’t agree with this anymore, times are changing again. Content creation is a dance and I lead. Do what you cant!

Don't want to waste your time with semi-intellectual Conclusions about my 100 View max Videos. In case you haven't seen them yet!

It is big fun to make them and March will be a new approach on how to conquer YouTube.

There are still some of you who didn't subscribe yet, here is the link in case you forgot [*coughs awkward]



Without further ado, Enjoy!


Charles Bukowski was a creative genius. Roll the Dice has such a powerful meaning. “Isolation is the gift”. How about this sentence in 2021. Bukowski was well known for his addiction to alcohol. But he had a beautiful soul. When I think of him, I realise that you can seem broken from the outside but from the inside out, you have so much offer.

Kids, don't try this at home! I've found this joke somewhere on reddit but it was with an arrogant lawyer and a Chinese Doctor. I gave it my spin and at least my Son watched it a couple of times and laughed, so I count it a success


Valentines Day will never be the same again, whiteness the romantic rise of a different kind of waiter! Most of us all over the world will celebrate Valentines Day at home, so I invited my 3 best friends to make a romantic video to cheer you up. Make sure you watch till the end! But Jokes aside Valentines Day is one of the days with the highest suicide rate, so if you are struggling make sure you ask for help. Stay strong Lovebirds!


In this video I will “preach” some valuable Waiter Wisdom. With the help of “Jesus Christ” (check out his YT Channel!) Where to start in Life? What is specific knowledge? Is the real life more like a Switch Game? Back in the days I had no idea to get things done, I did procrastinate I’ve always wanted to do it tomorrow. Plenty time. I always gave up quickly, felt stuck, unhappy, frustrated. I was mentally weak, thought too much, didn’t have a system. I didn’t trust myself to figure things out. If you genuinely care about the goal, you’ll focus on the system. When you lose focus your mind tends to think about what's wrong instead of what's right in your life. Only after I started to read about Mindfulness, Stoicism and Pragmatism I was no more the slave of my thoughts. Or less slave. The opposite happened.

Based on a True Story. This video was edited in Microsoft Paint!


2020 was like looking both ways before crossing the street and then getting hit by a submarine. In this video, I will share some lessons I learned in these challenging times. With the help of the “Motivationwaiter”, I will break down FIVE (+Bonus) Ideas that improved my life and got me back on the right track.



You may have heard this story: Buridan’s donkey is standing halfway between a pile of hay and a bucket of water. It keeps looking left and right, trying to decide between hay and water. Unable to decide, it eventually dies of hunger and thirst. A donkey can’t think of the future.

If he could, he’d clearly realize that he could first drink the water, then go eat the hay. Don’t be a donkey. You can do everything you want to do. You just need foresight and patience. If you’re thirty now and have six different directions you want to pursue, then you can do each one for ten years, and have done all of them by the time you’re ninety. It seems ridiculous to plan to age ninety when you’re thirty, right?

But it’s probably coming, so you might as well take advantage of it. You can fully focus on one direction at a time, without feeling conflicted or distracted, because you know you’ll get to the others. We’ve all done this on a small scale. When something is urgent and needs to be done that day, you focus. For a minute, you get distracting thoughts, like “Wow, it would be nice to go watch a movie now.”

But you put it out of your mind because you know that if you just focus on this one thing now, you can get it done and do the other stuff afterwards. So, expand that situation into months or years. Focus on one thing at a time, knowing you can do the other stuff afterwards. Most people overestimate what they can do in one year, and underestimate what they can do in ten years. Think long term. Use the future.

Don’t be short-sighted. Don’t be a donkey. (https://sive.rs/donkey)



Nikhedonia – Game on (Again!) (Launch in January) [Link]

Ideas that stuck with me:

How Would You Try to Make $50,000 in 24 Hours? (Medium Article)

Thanks for reading this far, friends. Much more to come…

Be safe! Yours,


Dan Draper


P.S. I would love to hear your opinion, please write to me on social media or drop me some words on admin@lostinhospitality.com.



I almost forgot! You can subscribe now to my E-Mail List, no spam I promise! (LINK)

All Emails will be concise & simple to absorb. Plus if you sign up I will send you my exclusive 12 pages Guide “How to start a new chapter in your Life”.


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