YouTube Recap

My 31 Day YouTube Video Project | Week 3 & 4

Welcome to my YouTube endeavours. Part 2,  of my challenge to publish 31 Videos on 31 Days, during March 2021! From Motivational to Comedy over to Book recommendations and little short Films. The whole YouTube Best Of.

The last month has been a wild ride. Here are most of the YouTube Videos I published, some of them will disappear over time, some will have Million Clicks (you hear the laughter?). I got a Burn Out, a YouTube Community Strike and in the end I questioned the whole Idea! Will do it again obviously!

Thanks for watching!

There are still some of you who didn't subscribe yet, here is the link in case you forgot [*coughs awkward]


Without further ado here we go Week 3+4 of my 31 Day YouTube Video Challenge :

Time for some Realtalk. Most of my family and friends knew it already. I lived long enough, I am tired of hiding. The unfiltered truth what is going on with me. I hope we are still friends after!

In this video, I will give clear instructions on how to make a Comedy Video. No gadgets or experience needed. Maybe a funny Hat! But to make a funny Comedy Video all you need is a good idea and this one moment when you have enough self-confidence to laugh about yourself! And I say this as a german, we are neither funny nor popular for Stand Up Comedy!That’s the third week of the 31 Days Video Challenge. I produced fewer Videos then before, but I get you two Life Hacks as an apology here. That’s the longest video I ever produced. Almost without a script. I am improving. Slowly, but there is an improvement. This Recap is like a bit of therapy for me, so I can answer to myself basically why on Earth I had the idea for this!


I told you these 5 bizarre ideas about life would be strange and perhaps profound. Once you see how it’s all composed, it’s hard to go back to the game. There is no end to the bizarre ideas about life that studying the mind can lead you to. I have spent the last few months looking into the mind as a way to see the world differently during these uncertain times. Now, after 26 Days of making daily Videos, I am kind of floating around new Ideas, even more, bizarre than the mentioned ones. Let me know if you want to see more of it!


Music: Oovy – Ganja / I wanted to make a Video of Oovy's Song 3 Years ago. It took me that long to get my idea finally out. Now I am free for Ganja! Nah, joking! I've always liked this kind of videos and I never realised how tricky they are to make. Will definitely try a different style in the future. Hope you like it! That concludes Day 29 of my 31 Days Video Challenge. You can clearly see my mental state….


Join me for my last Video, this Thursday! I will explain everything! Thanks for all your support!


You all watched last month and let it happen! It’s the shocking unfiltered truth of two years in the making! Share it with someone you don’t like. I just did!


Thanks for watching!


YouTube Recap Week 1+2 [Link}

My YouTube Crimes January/February 2021 [Link]

Ideas that stuck with me:

Spicy Village [Great documentary about a restaurant in NY]

Thanks for reading this far, friends. Much more to come…

Be safe! Yours,


Dan Draper


P.S. I would love to hear your opinion, please write to me on social media or drop me some words on admin@lostinhospitality.com.



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All Emails will be concise & simple to absorb. Plus if you sign up I will send you my exclusive 12 pages Guide “How to start a new chapter in your Life”.

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