
Can’t hurt me by David Goggins (Book Review)

Just as a Disclaimer beforehand, I didn’t read “Can't hurt me”, instead I listened to the audiobook version twice and you should, too! This version is read by (David Goggins co-writer) Adam Skolnick. Each chapter is followed by a compelling, “podcast-like” chat between Adam and David Goggins that takes the storytelling experience to an entirely new level. They go more in detail and Adam is asking the right questions. (Edit September 2020:I did read it now. Powerful af!)

A while ago, I got this message from a friend:

So why do I focus on Motivation so much? Hopefully this Book Review will give some more clarity…

“People often say that motivation doesn't last. Well, neither does bathing–that's why we recommend it daily.” –Zig Ziglar

Lost in Hospitality Starter

It’s important to tackle what’s ahead. There are so many changes in the industry and your life right now. Millions of people all over the world are going for a daily run because it's their only way to leave the house. But, what will happen after COVID-19? Most of the people will go back to their old habits and that’s not a wild guess. To make sure you stay committed with your goals and exercises please read “Can’t hurt me”. I do daily exercise for almost 30 years, but this book took my approach to a different level.


Who is David Goggins?

It’s the story of a guy who made it from a bullied fat little teenager who couldn’t read, to a former Guinness World Record holder for completing 4,030 (!) pull-ups in seventeen hours.

An incredible Story of his life, some parts are just unbelievable. Goggins transformed himself from a depressed, overweight young man with no future into a U.S. Armed Forces icon and one of the world's top endurance athletes. He is the only man in history to complete elite training as a Navy SEAL, Army Ranger, and Air Force Tactical Air Controller. He went on to set records in numerous endurance events, inspiring Outside Magazine to name him “The Fittest (Real) Man in America”.

If you want to discover the whole story from the book skip these main parts of his career:

David Goggins+ 8×100 Mile Race in 8 weekends in a row (One will take you out for 5 months)

+ 2005, he ran the 100 miles in under 19 hours despite never having run a marathon before

+ he has Asthma and Congenital heart defect

+ In 2007, Goggins achieved his best finish at the Badwater135 – by placing 3rd overall

+ After three attempts, Goggins succeeded in graduating from BUD/S training with Class 235 in 2001 and was assigned to SEAL Team FIVE. Goggins served in Iraq.

+ In 2004, Goggins graduated from Army Ranger School with the distinction of enlisted “Top Honor Man.”

“It’s so easy to be great nowadays because everyone else is weak” David Goggins


What I learned from “Can’t hurt me” 

You are capable of so much more, but as long as you stay in your comfort zone you will never find out how good you can be. If you want to get in shape,

David Goggins

set your alarm to 5 am, do some work out for 1-2 hours and then go to work. Go early to sleep in the evening, so you are fresh the next morning. If you have an (“upcoming”) appointment at 6 am, wake up at 4 am instead and schedule your day accordingly.

I struggle to keep this mindset, but I am getting better the longer I am on it. Before, I did my exercises whenever it came to my mind or I got some spare time. It wasn’t my priority and then I was wondering why there wasn’t any progress at the end of the week. That’s why so many people miss out because you don’t want to get too uncomfortable. It’s about passion and self-accountability. It’s about the limiting beliefs that hold us back and the importance of mindset to overcome them.

David shows that to overcome and master yourself you must become quiet and ‘go into your own mind' which is a challenge in today's society, where social media and low-quality entertainment steals everyone's attention.

This book is written 100% from the heart and if you have watched some of David’s interviews, you will find that reading this book is like him talking to you personally. It doesn't hold back on the graphic past of his life, however nasty, and perfectly reflects the message it portrays so effectively: accept the truth, only then you may be able to change. Fitness is the gateway to great mental health. If you have a fit body it usually means you have a strong mind. You can't reach your full potential unless your body is running at its optimal rate.

Buy his book here: https://davidgoggins.com/book/

Additional reading: My 2020 Goals and why you should publish yours aswell (Internal Link)

My latest YouTube Contribution


After reading “Can’t hurt me” I was motivated like never before. All my excuses sound silly and Goggins found the right words to prove it. This man is just exceptional, he is a bit of a maniac, but also an absolute inspiration.

Goggins said you're never alone when doing something hard, cause no matter what time it is, he's going hard too. I remember that when I'm running.

And get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Because your life is not some future event. Your life is now. It's not on hold! Get comfortable in this daily battle with yourself!


Your “150 Pull-ups by summer”,

Dan Draper

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